7 Reasons to Choose an Automated Gate Over a Manual Gate

When considering an estate gate for your property, you’re faced with the choice of installing either an automated or manual gate. But is it really worth it to go automatic, or would a manual gate work just fine? Mossy Oak Fence Orlando is here to show you why you should choose an automated gate over a manual one.

1. No Need to Leave the Car

The biggest downside to owning a manual gate is that you need to get out of your car to open it. Even after you get through the gate, you’ll need to get back out of your car just to close it back up. No one wants to deal with this level of inconvenience, especially during harsh weather like rainfall or freezing cold. With automated gates, you can open and close the gate in the comfort of your own car without skipping a beat which already makes it a much better investment.

2. Choose Who Has Access to Your Property

The thing with manual gates is that unless you attach a chain and padlock to the opening (which is incredibly unsightly), anyone is able to undo the latch and let themselves into your property. Alternatively, automated gates come equipped with an electronic means of accessing the controls through either a pin pad or card reading system. This allows you to pick and choose which individuals are authorized to enter your property.

3. Prevent Thefts and Break-Ins

Since automated gates are difficult to get through without the proper authentication, you are less likely to experience home break-ins, thefts, and robberies. This is especially handy during the times of the day when you happen to be away from home as your gate can help fend off potential intruders just by existing.

4. Relax With Valuable Privacy

Automated gates are typically installed along the outer edge of the property at a far enough distance from the house itself. This means that strangers passing by won’t be able to get close enough to see what’s happening through your windows. With an automated gate, you can relax in your own home without the worry of anyone peeping.

5. Keep Your Kids and Pets Safe

Children and pets should be able to roam free in their own yards without you needing to micromanage their safety. Unfortunately, some kids and even pets are capable of loosening up the hook on a manual gate if left unattended for long enough. With automated gates, you can rest easy knowing that your little ones will stay safe inside.

6. Makes a Grand Impression

It’s hard not to be amazed as a guest coming up on a stunning automated gate as it opens before your very eyes. Whenever you throw a party or gathering, your gate will be a great first impression that gracefully leads into the rest of your wonderful event.

7. Increases Overall Property Value

Imagine being a potential home buyer and being presented with all of these incredible benefits from the get-go. Having an automated gate pre-installed before you put it up on the market will greatly increase your property value. At this point, you’re practically guaranteed a sale as there will always be someone who is enthralled by the idea of a fancy gate that can be controlled at the touch of a button.

Where to Get Automated Gates in Orlando

Having an automated gate installed on your property is as easy as calling up a reputable fence company near you. Mossy Oak Fence Orlando is the best company in Florida for equipping your home with the most beautiful and secure automated gates that are sure to improve the quality of your overall property. Call (407) 900-2940 today for a free estimate!