How A New Fence Can Improve Your Home Value

There are many ways in which a fence can add value to your home. Take advice from our experts to ensure you make the right choice. The most common mistakes in installation and design can distract from a home’s appeal and be costly to repair. Keep these things in mind when considering a new fence:

Curb Appeal

A beautiful and well-built fence has the potential to increase the curb appeal of a property, adding to its value. If your backyard is still a work in progress, or you prefer a more insulated space from noise and neighbors, a taller fence may be what you need. A prominent privacy fence will attract potential buyers. If you want to highlight your lot’s size, a complete perimeter fence may be the way to go. Homebuyers and Realtors alike will tell you that a good first impression of the property is essential, and the fence is one of the first things seen!

Practical Value

Unless it is unsightly or a home DIY project that has gone wrong, a fence should never detract from a property’s value. It is such a practical home improvement project that appeals to a spectrum of homeowners. Those with small children and pets are usually averse to buying a home without a fence. A recent online study found that the desire to have a yard and space for their dog influenced 33% of millennials’ decision to buy their first home. It provides safety and security for both children and animals and privacy for everyone else. The practical benefits of a fence outweigh any other concerns.

Materials Matter

The material you choose to have your fence built with should be attractive, durable, and match your home’s general style. Chain link fences are appropriate for particular properties but inappropriate for many other environments. They do not add property appeal and value the way fences made from more expensive materials do. Wooden fences can bring a return on investment (ROI) of 50% or more when the home is sold. This is because they are considered one of the most attractive and durable options on the market.


Before installing a fence, study the neighborhood’s trends and aesthetics. Contact an expert to give you design ideas. Building a fence that stands out like a sore thumb may be worse than no fence at all. If the goal is to add value to your property, consider all of your options and choose the one that will bring the most curb appeal to your home. If you happen to have an HOA or any other governing body throughout your neighborhood or development, make sure to contact them for specifications.

Proper Installation

Professional installation is vital. We live in a time of home improvement reality TV, encouraging homeowners to attempt DIY projects. While there are many projects around your house to improve on your own, building and installing a fence should be left to the experts.


All fences need regular maintenance and annual cleaning. Wood and decorative fences are most likely to increase a home’s value, but they need regular sealing/staining/cleaning to preserve their structural integrity. Peruse all of the Mossy Oaks blogs to find a guide for cleaning or repair. You can always contact us directly with any questions.

Mossy Oak Fence

Here at Mossy Oak Fence, we offer a full range of fence installation services for any budget or style. We offer expert installation on all types of fencing, ranging from custom wooden and ornamental aluminum to chain link and vinyl for residential and commercial properties. Serving the Greater Orlando and Central Florida areas, we are pleased to be your choice for custom fence designs and solutions. Give us a call today! (407) 972-0726.