How to Make Sure Your Fence is HOA Approved
For property owners interested in installing a fence, there are many considerations that need to be taken into account to ensure you are in compliance with HOA guidelines and will receive approval. Here are some important factors to keep in consideration when both purchasing and installing a fence, as well as submitting it for HOA approval.
Acquaint Yourself with Your HOA’s Guidelines
Every HOA has a set of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, or CC&Rs. CC&Rs dictate your community’s regulations and provide guidelines for home additions as well (most likely they include fence requirements/regulations as well). The rules may dictate which materials are acceptable for fences, what colors your fence can be, and how high your fence can be. These rules should form the baseline of your fence design. If you want to install a fence that is not currently allowed according to your HOA guidelines, you may have to file an appeal with the board or face fines.
Collaborate With a Fencing Contractor
When designing your future fence, make sure you are communicating with your fencing contractor to ensure they are cognizant of your HOA’s requirements and can suggest the best possible fence to fit your needs.
Prepare Your Proposal
Once you have familiarized yourself with your community HOA’s requirements, you can begin working on your proposal. It is highly recommended that you get in contact with local fencing companies to help familiarize you with fencing materials, styles, pricing etc. to ensure you have all the necessary info included in the proposal you end up submitting to your community.
Depending on location and community size, it can take anywhere from a week to a month to hear back whether your proposal was accepted. If your proposal is denied, you can request an appeal or to meet in person and discuss specifically what factors led to your rejection.
**NOTE: Some HOA’s do not require you to gain approval for your fence as long as it fits their style and height requirements listed in its guidelines.
Fencing Needs Fulfilled at Mossy Oak Orlando
At Mossy Oak, we are dedicated to providing you with a seamless, hassle-free fencing experience. We are here as a resource and guide to help you design and install custom fences to fit your business and residential needs. Give us a call today at (407) 972-0726!